Marketing Mix

3 steps to marketing
3 steps to marketing 800 400 Mark Crone
On occasions, there may well be a need to develop a more comprehensive marketing plan, but in most circumstances, especially in the small business world, you can follow these 3 simple steps to create an excellent marketing programme. read more
The best marketing tool
The best marketing tool 800 400 Mark Crone

We must get asked at least twice a month “what is the best marketing tool for us to use”. Our answer is always the same “if we knew that then…

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Plan to do it right
Plan to do it right 800 400 Mark Crone

Marketing is a process that requires accurate research and careful planning. Everyone’s need will vary so it is critical to identifying from the outset what your customers’ needs are and…

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What is marketing
What is marketing 800 400 Mark Crone

When asked, “what is marketing”, I have heard many people give a whole range of different answers. In fact, when I first started networking and told people that my focus…

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